Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Zambia Crusade Sees Outpouring of Pentecostal Fire


We just finished on Sunday night our six-night crusade in Maramba, a township of Livingstone in Zambia. Large crowds came out to hear the gospel message nightly. Every night we saw large multitudes receive the gospel message and receive the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior in their lives.

God gave great grace, and we saw many people healed by His power. Lame and paralyzed people walked, deaf ears heard, people were healed in their eyes, and many demon-possessed people were set free.

Many testified of the miracles that the Lord had done for them. One night the power of God came down so powerfully that when I finished preaching and began to pray, demon-possessed people in the crowd began to fall to the ground as the demons came out of them because of the power of the Name of our Lord Jesus!

On the last night the Holy Ghost fell upon the crowd with great power. Thousands were baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. All over the place one could see people falling down to the ground, weeping, shouting, praising God.

We ended the final service, but thousands stayed on to sing, dance and praise God until late.

This crusade has shaken Maramba Township. We have seen a large harvest of souls for Jesus and many wonderful miracles from the Hand of God.

We give our Lord Jesus all the glory, honor and praise for all that He has done!

Thank you for your support that God uses to make all this possible. Thank you for your prayers!

This week we began our next crusade in Choma, a rural town in southern Zambia. Please uphold us in prayer for this crusade. We are believing God for a mighty breakthrough for the gospel in Choma!

Christopher Alam is the founder of Dynamis World Ministries. He has preached the gospel in over 60 nations, and hundreds of churches have been started as a fruit of his ministry.

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