Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Dads, Here’s How to Turn Chronic Failure Into Success

dad and daughter

This world we share can be cold and unforgiving. It can leave us feeling beaten down and like we are failing way too much.

A cynic would say, “That’s life,” and scoff at our frustration. But as the fine Sinatra song by the same moniker states, “Each time I find myself flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race.” It is our determination inside that will eventually determine our outcome.

  • Fact: Life is difficult.
  • Fact: Parenting is difficult.
  • Fact: There is no magic pill to make this easy.

Struggle is the foundation of growth, and that puts you in an excellent position to move forward.

In 1862, while at the end of his rope in the middle of an uncharted Africa, having lost his wife and several team members to malaria, legendary missionary-explorer-doctor David Livingstone summed up his predicament this way: “I am prepared to go anywhere, provided it be forward.”

Forward, for an All Pro Dad, means looking at strategies and solutions that work. If you are feeling down or at the edge of failure, we suggest the following “5 Ways Dads Can Turn Chronic Failure into Success”:

1. You’re not alone. Successful parenting is about team work. If you’re married, make sure you and the wife are on the same page and working in concert together. If you’re a single dad, be part of a support group that meets weekly and is willing to “do life” together. This is not optional!

2. Be an encourager. A teacher we know has a sign on the wall: “Research says it takes seven positives to counteract one negative—I say why risk it?” In other words, focus on what’s right more than what’s wrong. Negativity is a vortex that always moves in a downward spiral. Believe us, you will find a lot of hope when you look for it.

3. KISS (Keep it Simple, Sir). Okay, we admit to changing that last word to sir. But seriously, we’re not calling anyone stupid around here because no one is. One dad said, “Don’t try to fix everything in one day. Have four or five key rules, work for mastery, and move on from there.”

4. Don’t beat yourself up. Be positive and be confident. Being an encourager includes encouraging yourself. Do the best you can in this moment, pull together all the resources you have, pray, and then move on to the next moment.

5. Be grateful. Wake up every morning and say this prayer: “God, thank You for the gift of my children. Thank You for life. I am grateful for this opportunity to help my kids grow. Please give me peace and strength. Amen.”

Related Resource: “10 Ways to Know if You’re a Successful Father

For the original article, visit

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