Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What Does Your Guardian Angel Look Like?


I wrote my book Angel Stories so you could know God wants a relationship with you. He wants to provide for you. He wants to bless you. And He sends His angels to do just that—to bless you! 

The truth is, we have a supernatural God who wants to be our closest friend. He sends His supernatural angels to bring us messages, to guard us, to protect us, to sing to us, to do battle for us, to bring us holiness and fire, and to heal us, deliver us, rescue us and minister to us. 

All we have to say is, “Yes, God!”—and then hang on for the ride of our lives.  

Here’s a story from Katie Souza, told as a firsthand account for my book, about her experience of discovering her guardian angel.  

Katie Souza’s ‘Thug’ Angel 

I was in prison when I saw my first angel. I had been thrown into lockdown numerous times because I fought with the police and with the inmates. So there I was again, by myself in lockdown.  

At the time, I had only just found Jesus so I was trying to be good, but I was still acting out and having a really hard time. They told me I was going to be in there for 90 days, and lockdown in that facility was not good. It was not a private room with your own shower. I had to sleep on a little metal bench or a dirty mattress on the floor. The room was covered with urine and feces and blood, and it was freezing cold. 

I was in there praying and had been praying for three days straight. I remember asking God to please come and visit me and to forgive me and show me favor, when I looked up and saw a huge man standing there, guarding the door of my cell. He was so big that he was hunched over—because of his size he couldn’t fit in the cell standing upright. I could see he was an angel. But his fists were balled up like he was going to beat down anybody who came into the cell. He didn’t look like an angel, really—not like what you would expect. He looked more like a thug from the streets! He looked tough and all torn up, like he’d been in a huge fight. 

When I saw him, I reached out to touch him, and as I stretched out my hand, I closed my eyes. And then, not in my imagination but in the natural realm, my hand started going up and down like someone was shaking it, as if we were shaking hands and introducing ourselves. I could physically feel him take hold of my hand. It scared me so much, I actually pulled my hand back, all freaked out. 

But that was how I first met my guardian angel.  

Years later, I was being filmed for a television interview, and I met a powerful woman of God in the studio who said to me, “I can see your angels.” So I asked her, “What do they look like?” She said, “One of them doesn’t even look like an angel. He looks like a gangster, like a thug.” I got so excited. I said, “That’s my angel! That’s my angel!” And she said, “He’s so beat up from the fight, from protecting you on the streets, that he has only one wing, and it’s torn and covered with blood.” 

 Jonathan Nixon is a producer and director and the founder of Tentmaker Film Company. After 10 years in Hollywood spent working on projects for Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures, CBS, MTV and FOX, Nixon found himself frustrated as a born-again believer by the small effect he had on the content of the projects he was involved with. He is currently developing a series of supernatural-themed documentaries.

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