Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Overcome the Comparison Monster

two women arguing

I have a monster in my house—and the monster is me!

I opened the door to the sitter’s home and found two children smiling sweetly and talking barely above a whisper. Their halos were brighter than normal. Then my little one runs inside and without any hesitation jumps off the couch! She was ready to play—I mean chase, hide, or jump off anything that could be dangerous.

I immediately thought, Why doesn’t my kid like to sit quietly reading or sweetly singing to her dolls? Conviction set in when I began the comparison trap. The little green monster of envy I thought I had rooted out years ago reared her ugly head.

For me, the cycle of envy reaches far beyond my kids’ behavior all the way to the very working of my soul. What about you? How often have you measured your mothering skills to the mothers around you? How about when you start comparing the skills you carry to the ability of those in the spotlight around you or in your sphere of influence—or to the pastor’s wife down the street?

Ecclesiastes 4:4 says, “And I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from one person’s envy of another” (NIV). I am tired of all the toil, aren’t you?

Romans 2:4 says God’s kindness leads to repentance.

Ultimately, His kindness was His definitive movement to come serve humanity by His sacrifice. We have the most consequential, momentous opportunities as ministry wives to serve others. Amazingly, as we serve others, we allow His kindness to encircle us.

We must exemplify the kindness of God not only to others, but also to ourselves! Let His kindness, His servant nature, lead you to genuine change. I predict as we live in response to His kindness that we will see further transformation among those we serve.

What monster is rearing its head in your life? What will you do today to stop allowing that monster to live rent-free in your heart?

© Reprinted with permission from the Assemblies of God Women’s Ministry Her Green Room. Lacey Hartman and her husband, Troy, serve as the campus pastors at North Point Church East Sunshine Campus. Lacey works as a professional life coach, aiding individuals to discover their God-given potential, mitigate challenge, use tension as a tool to move forward, and unlock the keys to make their future the best it can be. Connect with Lacey at or email [email protected].

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