Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jesus Wants You to Pursue His Glory

Have you not deeply desired to see God, to know Him intimately and truly? Beloved, to see Jesus is to behold God. Let us not consider it heresy: We can surely see God! But first we must renounce every perception of the Almighty other than what we have found proven true in Christ.

Therefore study the life, teachings and deeds of Jesus Christ, and you will remove the veil of mystery surrounding the nature of God.

Jesus said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).

What truth could be more profound? Each time we read of what Jesus did, we are actually beholding the nature of God. Every time we listen to what Jesus taught, we are hearing the voice of the living God.

Jesus is the image of the invisible Father (Heb. 1:2-3). “In Him all the fullness of the Deity dwells in bodily form” (Col. 2:9, NASB). Jesus is God’s form. He mirrored on earth those things He saw His Father doing in heaven; He echoed the words His Father whispered to Him from eternity.

Do you truly desire to see God? Christ’s words are windows through which the pure in heart behold the Almighty.

Certainly others can edify our souls greatly, but no prophet, apostle, or teacher excels the revelation of God in Christ. Ponder Christ, and you contemplate the nature of God. Eat His words, and you assimilate into your spirit the substance of the Almighty.

The teachings of Jesus Christ are not to be blended into the Scriptures as though He were one of many equally important voices used by God. He is, in truth, the living revelation of God Himself, the sole expression of His invisible glory. When Christ speaks, we are listening to God unfiltered, unbiased, unveiled.

Jesus said the pure in heart would see God. David wrote, “with the pure You show Yourself pure” (2 Sam. 22:27). Think of it: Not only can we truly know God, but also He desires to show Himself to us. David said, “You show Yourself.”

How valuable are Christ’s words? To each soul that chooses to abide in the words of Christ, he has promised, “I … will disclose Myself to him” (John 14:21). His promise is not reserved for a time later in heaven, but in some deep measure He desires to fulfill His words here, now.

We may have grown content with the illusion of distance, yet God is not content. He created us to live in steadfast union with His presence. The sense of distance between the Almighty and us is a deception.

Indeed, the Lord corrects us not merely because He hates sin, but He corrects us because sin separates us from His presence. He loves us and purifies us so we can see Him.

Remember, beloved, the prayer of Jesus: “Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see my glory” (John 17:24).

Are we so content with our religion that we ignore this promise? We can be with Him where He is. He is specifically praying that we see His glory.

Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Joshua, the parents of Samson—Scripture is filled with imperfect people who beheld God’s glory and lived to tell about it! Why should you or I be deprived? Jesus said that he who is least in the kingdom is greater than these!

The glory that God displayed in the Old Testament, which faded from the face of Moses, then faded again after filling Solomon’s temple, and departed from Israel during the priesthood of Eli—that glory now dwells permanently in the spirits of those who have been truly born again. The glory in us will not fade but increase, especially as the day of His return approaches! We will be filled with His glory (2 Cor. 3:7-18)!

So, I ask again, would you see God? Would you pursue the glory of the Lord? Study Jesus. Ponder His Words and deeds. For to steadfastly gaze upon Jesus is to behold “the glory of God in the face of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6).

Adapted from I Will Be Found by You by Francis Frangipane, copyright 2013, published by Passio, Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. In this book the author shares a collection of some of his best writings on the subject of seeking and finding God. To order a copy click here.


This week take time away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, decorating, cooking, rehearsing and traveling to reflect on God’s immeasurable love as expressed in the gift of His Son. Set aside some quiet time to pursue Him and His glory. Allow His peace to permeate every aspect of your life during this busy season. Ask Him to direct your giving and show you where you can make a difference and be a blessing to those in need. Remember those who are struggling with loss of health, income, loved ones and possessions stolen by winter storms and hard times. Continue to pray for Israel during this holiday season, and lift up our nation and its leaders. Unite with others to pray for peace on earth, and be prepared to share the gospel of peace and the gift of salvation through Christ with those who need to hear. Carry the joy of the Lord with you and let His praises be on your lips. Col. 2:9; John 3:16-17; 2 Cor. 4:6.

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