Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Mothers, Love Your Children

daughter and mom
I’ve often wondered why the apostle Paul, writing to Pastor Titus, told him the things that should be taught to women and men. In this list for women, recorded in Titus, chapter 2, he says (paraphrased), “This is sound doctrine. … I am writing these things so the Word of God will not be dishonored.”

Paul tells older women how to live and that their responsibility is to train younger women.  In the list—we could call it the curriculum—one of the odd things to me is that he tells older women to teach younger women to love their children (v. 4).

It seems abnormal to think of a mother not loving her children. Yet in these times, we are witnessing mothers killing their children, abandoning their children, neglecting their children and abusing their children. Evidently this was happening at that time as well. Now mothers even rid themselves of their unborn babies.

Mothers are going their own way, selfishly seeking their own fulfillment to the ruin of their children. Observing the behaviors of many mothers, it seems they think children have no feelings, memories or understanding, while all the while they are scarring the emotions of their children’s souls.

Stay-at-home moms are not staying at home with their babies. They are sending them to school when they should still be holding them in the rocking chair. Day-care centers are necessary places for women who must work, but this is not the case for everyone. The development of a child requires daily interaction with adults—adult conversation, guidance, instruction, affirmation and correction. At its best, this does not happen in a group class of 2-year-olds.

Two and 3-year-olds babble their own sounds as they try to learn a language. Spending hours per day with other babies who cannot properly speak does not advance their learning skills. It’s no wonder people are holding back their children from entering kindergarten, beginning real school a year later so they can have a head start. And yet the children have been in school since they were 2!

This makes no sense. Mothers, love your children. Hold them, train them, talk to them, feed them properly at the table and play with them. It is in this constant interaction that your children become secure and begin advancing in their understanding and emotional security. While they are being loved, they are learning to love.

Your 2-year-old does not need school. They need you. Share child-care service with a friend to give yourselves a little break and to provide your children others to play with. This will be a blessing to both of you. Create a “sitting” co-op among your peers. Cancel your expensive school tuition for your babies and save your money for a worthy investment—a new piece of furniture to make your home comfortable or a deposit in a savings account for the baby you love

Devi Titus, wife of Larry Titus, is among America’s most recognized Christian conference speakers and authors. She is an award-winning communicator with the Washington Press Women’s Association and speaks to multiple thousands annually, both nationally and globally. Visit her website for more information about her ministry.

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