Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How Divine Mercy Flows to Your Offspring


Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.

—Deuteronomy 7:9

Mercy is compassion shown especially to those who have engaged in criminal behavior. In a sense, we have all been criminals, for we have all broken God’s laws. Titus 3:5 says God saves us, not because of “works of righteousness” but because of “His mercy.” According to Deuteronomy 7:9, God stores up a reservoir of mercy for our seed also, so when they need it, His divine compassion will overflow their lives.

God promised to preserve David’s dynasty forever. If his offspring sinned, they would be chastened, but divine mercy would protect the Davidic throne. When Solomon, David’s son, petitioned God to bless the temple at its dedication, he reminded the Lord of His promise that “sure mercies” would hover over the seed of David (Isa. 55:3). God responded by sending such intense glory in the temple that the priests could not even enter (2 Chron. 6:41–7:3). This event illustrates how powerfully God honors parents who serve Him. If He did it for David’s seed, He will do it for ours—and God’s mercy and glory will overflow in their lives.

Prayer Declaration

Lord, I believe You store up mercy for the offspring of the righteous. If my child errs in life, I believe Your mercy will guide him/her back to You to find forgiveness, cleansing, and restoration. Lord, have mercy upon _____________ and deliver him/her in every trial, temptation, failure, or disappointment. I appeal to You, O Father of mercies, to make my child a vessel of mercy on whom You will pour out Your glory and through whom You will express Your mercy to others. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!

All of these are from 65 Promises From God for Your Child by Mike Shreve

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