Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

God’s Word Will Give You Power to Demolish Strongholds


As you continue to take a stand on the promises I have given you in My Word, you will be able to demolish the satanic strongholds around you. My Word is more powerful than the raging fires that cause destruction and death wherever they rage. My Word is a strong fire that will burn up the works of wickedness. Do you hate every false way that Satan uses to sidetrack people from the path of life onto the path of death? Do you want to see changes in your city, region, and nation? I have given you the power to represent My kingdom and to even change geographic regions. You are a king in My kingdom, and your word is filled with authority and power against the kingdoms of this evil world. Stand firm in the power I have given you. Don’t suffer unnecessarily by failing to exercise your authority in Me.

Psalm 119:104; Jeremiah 23:29

Prayer Declaration 

O God, I will use Your Word like a powerful hammer to break down all of Satan’s defensive borders. Your Word will spread like a wild fire throughout the enemy’s domain, burning up all his works of darkness.

All of these are from Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare by John Eckhardt.

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