Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

R.T. Kendall: Understand How the Devil Works

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. —1 John 4:4

It is wonderful to know that the devil is subject to God’s authority. So whenever I sense a satanic attack, I think, Well, that’s interesting. But God knows I can take it. The devil can go so far, but only so far. I have discovered too that the devil always attacks me in an area of weakness. But this enables me to strengthen that area, so that the next time around he can’t attack me in that place. I grow in grace because the devil attacks, even though satanic attacks are no fun.

Learn the secret that every satanic attack is with God’s permission and has a purpose. Do you know what Job learned at the very end? It is so thrilling. Job said to the Lord, “I know that … no plan of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2, emphasis added). Indeed, no purpose of God can be threatened because God is more powerful than the devil.

There is never emancipation without conflict. But it is always within the scope of God’s permission. Another thing about the devil is that he is the accuser. You see, the devil will come along and accuse you, and he does this because you did the right thing. The devil wants you to feel stupid. Furthermore, the devil is a liar.

He will always lie to you. The devil will always make you think that you have done the most foolish thing by following Jesus Christ. This is the way he works. He always makes you think you have done something stupid.

Do you want to know how the devil attacks? The devil will use a close relationship to get at you. You would not have thought that the particular person that the devil will use would ever be capable of what they say or do to you. He will play upon the weakness of somebody you trust.

The devil will use that to discourage you. I tell you something that we are all learning: we must put our trust in Jesus Christ alone, because even the best of God’s people, and sometimes those closest to us, will disappoint us sooner or later.

Excerpted from All’s Well That Ends Well (Authentic Media, 2005).

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