Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Stop Talking to Your Kids About Sex

Father and Daughter

Well … actually, we want to talk to our kids about sex. But the conversation can’t stop there. In fact, it shouldn’t begin there. There is so much more about our child’s God-given sexuality that to reduce it to the physical act of sex is like reducing a mosaic to a single piece of stone. It’s an incomplete picture, at best.

The infamous “birds and bees” talk conjures more fear in parents than most topics. Even when we tackle the conversation, we can speak in such vague terms, we do more to confuse than clarify.

I’m not offering any advice on how to broach the topic with your kids. But I am offering an alternate perspective and a free tool that could help you.

My husband, Kyle, and I decided a long time ago that rather than focus so much effort on teaching our kids to avoid sex before marriage, instead we would teach our kids to embrace purity.

Purity is a much broader concept than sex. Sex is a physical expression of an intimate relationship between a married couple. Purity is a mindset that comes into play long before puberty sets in. Purity involves more than just the body. It encompasses the heart, mind and body.

Purity leads us to be careful with …

  • What we look at
  • What we listen to
  • Who we allow to speak into our lives

In a sex-saturated world, the purity of our kids is at risk. Our proactive approach to making purity the goal and the topic of sexuality an ongoing, open conversation will help our kids see through the mixed messages our culture sends their way.

My friend Chris Spradlin released a free e-book entitled Sex, Lust, & XXX. For a fresh, raw perspective on the culture our kids walk in every day, download your free copy here. Spradlin’s approach is as true to Chris Spradlin as I’ve ever known. He’s honest, raw and relentless.

If you’re looking for a resource that’s going to make you uncomfortable with your present reality and challenge you to make some simple, strategic changes, the e-book is for you.

Do not pass go … do not collect $200 … just get the book today.

Gina McClain is a speaker, writer and children’s ministry director at Faith Promise Church in Knoxville, Tenn. For the original article, visit

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