Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Asher Intrater: In the End, Jews and Christians Will Unite


There are amazing parallels between gospel events and Jewish history. Yeshua was crucified on Passover and raised on the same morning that the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea (John 20:1; Ex. 14:27). The Holy Spirit was poured out on the feast of Shavuot. The gift-language of tongues was lost to the church for many centuries, during the same time that Hebrew was lost as a spoken tongue to the Jewish people; then, starting about 120 years ago, they were both restored.

Another significant parallel is that the ascension of Yeshua to heavenly Jerusalem and the Israeli recapture of Jerusalem in 1967 happened on the same day. Yeshua taught His disciples about the kingdom of God for approximately 40 days after being resurrected on the third day after Passover (Acts 1:3). The recapture of Jerusalem also occurred on day 43 of the counting of the Omer. This year, that date fell on May 8.

The word for ascension in Hebrew is aliyah, which is the same as the songs of ascent (Ps. 120-134), the ascension of Yeshua, immigration to Israel, and going up to Jerusalem (Is. 2:3). Yeshua rose into heavenly Jerusalem to acquire spiritual authority for the church (Eph. 1:19-23; 2:6; 4:10).

He will return to earthly Jerusalem to restore governmental authority for Israel (2 Sam. 7:12-16; Ps. 2:6; Acts 1:11; Is. 2).

In the end, heavenly and earthly Jerusalem will be united, the church with Israel, and God’s name and authority will be one (Zech. 14:9). That’s why Yeshua’s ascent to heaven and the recapture of Jerusalem are united on the same day.

Asher Intrater, along with his wife, Betty, is the director of Revive Israel Ministries, an apostolic ministry team dedicated to revival in Israel. The Intraters are committed to world evangelism, the power of the Holy Spirit, personal integrity, the lordship of Yeshua, the unity of the Church and the restoration of the nation of Israel.

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