Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Do You Run From Bad Theology?

Thinking man

Our theology—how we understand God—affects everything, and bad theology will crush you.

I was taught (and believed) that unless I spoke in tongues, I didn’t have the Holy Spirit. I tried and couldn’t, so I doubted my faith. 

I was taught (and believed) that I could determine my income by committing to tithe a certain amount and that then God was obligated to let me earn enough income to pay the tithe. I was on commission at that point, and my income dropped to almost zero.

I was taught (and believed) that I needed to destroy all my music because the devil inhabits matter and I was making my home the devil’s home. I didn’t listen to any music for 15 years.

I was taught (and believed) that miracles ceased with the closing of the New Testament canon. So I explained away the miracles happening all around me. 

Run from any theology that a) explains away what God has said about Himself in Scripture, b) requires something of you beyond the Bible’s teaching or c) puts limits on God that God doesn’t put on Himself. 

And leave some room for mystery. Never want a God you can fully explain.

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