Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Intercessors Issue Prayer Alert After Texas Fertilizer Blast

fertilizer plant exposion

Millions across the nation have woken up this morning to headlines featuring a tragic accident that occurred in West, Texas, a small town of 2,600 about 20 miles north of Waco. Yesterday evening, around 6 p.m. Central time, local firefighters responded to a call at the West Fertilizer Co. plant. Soon after, a massive explosion lit up the sky, most likely the result of the blaze coming into contact with ammonium nitrate, an extremely flammable chemical that is found in commercial fertilizer.

So far, authorities are confirming five to 15 deaths, with several first responders missing, and more than 160 injured. The blast decimated an area the size of four city blocks and was felt as far away as Waxahachie, a city about 45 miles north of West. This tragedy hits particularly close to us here at USRPN headquarters, as West is only an hour away from us. 

It has been an extremely challenging week for the United States, as the Boston Marathon bombing occurred just three days ago. In such tragedies, however, we must continue to seek the face of God, believing that He is good in all things and is a merciful Father who will respond to the cries of His children!

Please join with us in prayer, not only for the city of West, but also for the entire nation.

1. Pray for the city of West, Texas, that has been shaken to the core by this incident. Pray that God would restore the town and bring healing and comfort to every citizen that has been affected. (Zech. 9:12)

2. Pray for God to bring peace and comfort to those who have lost friends and family members in the explosion. Also ask the Lord to bring divine healing to those who have suffered injuries to their bodies, emotions and minds. (Ps. 46:1)

3. Ask God to give wisdom and protection to local authorities and city leaders as they begin to clean up a very toxic disaster site. (Job 12:13)

4. Pray that any other possible terrorist attacks or disasters such as the one in West would not occur! Ask God to expose what needs to be exposed so that the American people will be protected from harm. (Ps. 91)

5. Pray for comfort, peace and security for the United States, as this has been an incredibly difficult week for the nation. (Ps. 34:18)

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