Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Cindy Jacobs Joins Steve and Kathy Gray for Spiritual Warfare Conference in Kansas City

Cindy Jacobs

Cindy Jacobs of Generals International will be ministering with Pastors Steve and Kathy Gray at the Warfare Conference, March 21-24 at World Revival Church of Kansas City.

“Too many Christians are dressed for battle, but they don’t know how to fight the spiritual scrimmages that will win our nation back to God,” says Gray.

The Grays have trained thousands of people worldwide in spiritual combat. “They’ve seen victories (including documented healings) as they wage war against sickness, cancer, broken lives and hurting ministries,” said Laura Woodworth, director of communications for the church.

Cindy Jacobs, founder of Generals International, a globally recognized prophetic ministry, will join the Grays for the conference. In her travels, Jacobs has spoken on nearly every continent to tens of thousands, and God is using her to speak to world influencers and establish prayer networks internationally. With two doctorates (Christian International and the Asian Theological Association) Jacobs carries a strong anointing backed by a solid theological foundation.

Steve Gray feels it is time for the church to rally and take up the weapons of warfare God has provided.

“Warfare is in our blood,” he said. “We still have a chance at turning the ills in our society if churches will take the lead again and become the guiding light of the world.”

The conference features a powerful mix of worship, warfare and prophetic ministry to empower Christians against the unseen forces of darkness that affect personal as well as national and international events.

Topics include “Protecting Your Family from Darkness,” “Breaking Demonic Strongholds,” “Spiritual Warfare in the Local Church,” and “The Powers of This Age Versus the Kingdom of God” during daytime sessions. Evening services feature worship and warfare, with powerful preaching and ministry times. Saturday night Kathy and Cindy will be ministering together prophetically for a “breakthrough service.” Jacobs will be the main speaker on Sunday.

“The Warfare Conference offers a chance for believers to take up a fresh attitude for war. Attendees will be inspired to stand, fight and triumph over every force of darkness that comes against their homes and families and that threaten our nation,” says Woodworth.

“You may feel weak or may not even know how to fight,” says Gray, “but the first thing to do is fall in line with us in battle formation, and learn the tactics of spiritual warfare. The battle is raging, and you are on the winning side.”

Click here for more information about the Warfare Conference.

Leilani Haywood is a Kansas City, Mo.-based award-winning writer and columnist. Her work has been published in the Kansas City Star, Metro Voice and other publications. When she’s not updating her status on Facebook or Twitter, she’s driving her three kids to school or their next rehearsal. Follow her on Twitter @leilanihaywood.

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