Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Men, Stand Alongside Your Pastor in Obedience

Patrick Morley

Men, the following is a composite of what I’ve heard from pastors. The question I would like you to consider as you read is this: Are you approaching your relationship with your pastor for “what you want” or are you asking, “What does the Master need?”

I am a pastor. My calling and passion is to build the kingdom. I am a soul winner and a disciple maker. But something has gone terribly wrong.

What’s my problem? First, I’m pulled in way too many directions. My time is not my own. I have a steady flow of people from inside and outside my church who want me to adopt their idea or program. The thought of adding “one more thing” is overwhelming to me. I’m already going as fast as I can.

Second, my problem is not that I don’t work hard, but that I’m working too hard. I have so many urgent things I need to do that I rarely have time to sit quietly and ponder the direction of our church. I confess that I have difficulty distinguishing opportunity from distraction. I am too busy with second things.

Third, I haven’t been able to implement my vision for the church. If I could start over, I would put men’s ministry at the top of my priority list. I know this is the only long-term solution to the leadership deficit we have in our church, our families and our community.

What’s my desire? I want to reach men with the truth of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I want to build them in their faith so that they can take their rightful place as leaders in the home, church, workplace, community and world.

I want to stem the tide of divorce, adultery, teen pregnancy, abortion, racism and moral decay. I want to raise up men who will not divorce their wives, not neglect their kids, not shortchange the offering plate, not fail to serve God, and not fail to invite visitors to church. That’s why I became a pastor and leader.

I see it everywhere. There is a battle raging for the souls of my men. I am their shepherd. God is calling me to be their leader. I must be a leader in this battle. Everything boils down to leadership. It is a battle we can win, but I must repurpose myself to fight for men’s souls.

Frankly, I can’t do this alone. In fact, that wouldn’t be the way Jesus wants it to happen anyway. I need your help. Will you stand with me to disciple our men? Will you free me from the administration of our church so that I can lead us into discipleship at every level? With your help, we can win the battle for men’s souls in our church.

Men, do you think God wants your church to disciple men? If you agree, then stand with your pastor in obedience. This is something the Master needs.

Pat Morley is the Founder and CEO of Man in the Mirror. After building one of Florida’s 100 largest privately held companies, in 1991, he founded Man in the Mirror, a non-profit organization to help men find meaning and purpose in life. Dr. Morley is the bestselling author of The Man in the Mirror, No Man Left Behind, Dad in the Mirror, and A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines.

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