Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Will the Gay Agenda Destroy the Boy Scouts?

For many years now, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have courageously endured attacks fromhomosexual activists. However this week, top officials from the BSA organization have indicated that this may soon change.

According to an NBC News report which broke the story on Monday, the BSA says that it is “discussing potentially removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation.”

“Physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”

These timeless words are part of the Scout Oath which inspired millions of boys in their growth to become men since the founding of the Boy Scouts by Lord Robert Baden-Powell in the early 1900s. Until now, the principles represented by these words have withstood the “bullying” from gay-identified activists toward the BSA and its leaders. But this may change as soon as next week.

If the BSA departs from its policies on allowing openly homosexual scoutmasters and boys in the program it could destroy the legitimacy and the security of this iconic institution.

As an Eagle Scout, former Scoutmaster and a Vigil Honor Member of the Order of the Arrow, I have a deep personal interest in passing on the rich experience of Scouting to my two sons and I pray that the BSA does not open a can of worms that would cause a mass exodus from a program that America needs now more than ever to train boys to become responsible men. A change of this policy could transform and devastate the Boy Scouts permanently. Additionally, the vast majority of Americans do not support changing the policy to allow openly homosexual scout leaders, so this proposed change makes no sense on many levels.

It is critical that BSA National leaders hear from those of us who stand with Scouting’s original principles and who support their current policy regarding homosexuality. They must not cave to pressure and legal harassment from gay activists.

Please call the National Boy Scouts of America office at 972-580-2000 and tell them that you want to see the Boy Scouts stand firm in their moral values and respect the right of parents to discuss these sexual topics with their children.

John Stemberger is an Orlando, Fla., attorney and the president of the Florida Family Policy Council.

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