Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Follow the Footsteps of Jesus to Become a Leader

Young Leader

Every man has a leadership influence on someone. And, every man is affected by the leadership of others.

So today, as we begin a new year, all of us are feeling the impact of the leadership crisis that we see in America.

Too many dads have abandoned their kids, even if they are still at home. Too many husbands have chosen the safe and easy road over the path of loving sacrifice and service. Too many businessmen, politicians, and celebrities are looking for short-term advantage over long-term impact.

Jeremiah 23 shows that God has woven the design of leadership into the very fabric of society. The passage shows that God judged the people for the sins of their leaders. Representation is built into human reality.

We were represented by Adam and Eve when they sinned, and so reap the consequence. If we put our faith in Jesus, we are represented by Him in His death and resurrection and so receive the benefits.

In an analogous way, the people we lead are affected by our leadership. God has given us a great opportunity for positive impact—but the key lies in being a leader who knows how to follow. We don’t lead in our own strength, but out of the humility that comes from submitting to Jesus.

Who will you impact today with your leadership? And will they experience the grace and love of Jesus Christ?

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