Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Discussing War With Your Kids: Good vs. Evil

Military Dads

We live in a fallen and hostile world. There’s no doubt about it. And evil has a very real and palpable face. 

There are people overseas who want to harm us and our children.  If we stand idly by, they will do just that. How do we explain to kids why we must go to war in a way they will understand? Of course their age plays a major factor, but here are some generalities you can share:

  • There are evil people who want to do bad things to us as well as to their own country.
  • We cannot allow this to happen so we must go to war to stop them.
  • Declaring war is a complex issue. Wars are not always right. We need to pray for our leaders in their decision-making and for our soldiers and their protection.
  • We need to realize that the country we go to war with has innocent civilians that must be treated with dignity and respect.
  • God is sovereign and has promised that good will not be overcome by evil.

Even something as horrific as war can be used to teach your kids. In fact, you may want to encourage your children to study some of the military “hotspots” around the world so they will know the background of why there are problems there.

It has been said that truth is the first casualty in war. And it’s true that sometimes propaganda replaces reality. So teach your kids to know the difference.

Bryan Davis is the director of content for Family First and author of the book The Play of the Day.

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