Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Break Through Your Weight-Loss Barriers

Studies indicate that only 5 percent of those who lose weight are able to permanently keep it off. According to Ed and Elisa McClure, founders of the ZOE 8 Weight Management Program and authors of Eat Your Way to a Healthy Life! (Siloam), awareness of the following eight roadblocks is the first step to finding permanent weight-loss success:

1. Prescription medication—many prescription drugs either cause weight gain or hinder weight-loss.
2. Candida—this overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract can cause cravings for carbohydrates and sweets.
3. Stress—don’t ignore the spiritual and emotional aspects of the stressful situations in your life.
4. Chronic lack of sleep—inadequate sleep can increase appetite due to interference with appetite-regulating hormones.
5. Hormones—if your hormones are out of balance, you will have problems with weight control.
6. Food sensitivities—many people are unaware of their sensitivities and regularly eat foods that leave them bloated and prevent weight loss. Top offenders: corn, yeast, sugar and sweeteners, dairy products, wheat and peanuts.
7. Sabotage—it takes true love and understanding between family members and friends to give up unhealthy food habits.
8. Compartmentalization—failure to treat the whole person often produces temporary results at best.

If you think you have one or more of these roadblocks, find a doctor who can test you for things such as candida, hormone imbalances and food sensitivities. This will help you evaluate the effect these roadblocks may be having in your life, determine ways to overcome them, and start yourself on the road to permanent weight management!

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