Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Hamas Terror

“The Lord roars from Zion and utters his voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth quake. But the Lord is a refuge to his people, a stronghold to the people of Israel.” Joel 3:16

What the Palestinian Authority is doing to pass itself off as a legitimate country in the wake of last week’s UN vote is a landslide of more deception and lies being propelled by the nations and unleashed upon the State of Israel.

The avalanche of mud now plummeting down the mountainside will—without a doubt and very shortly—lead to Europe and the U.S. putting upon the Jewish state renewed, near unbearable pressure to divide Jerusalem, carve up thriving communities complete with homes, businesses, schools, cultural centers, agricultural enterprises—and on and on—and to put them into the hands of their Arab enemies who hate and have no other aim but to destroy Israel.

If one is tempted to think such a thing can’t happen, it already did in the Gaza Strip in 2005. An evacuation process that lasted five days consisted of approximately 8,000 Jewish civilians from 21 Israeli communities in the Gaza Strip. They were forced by the Israeli government to leave behind homes, schools, synagogues, productive greenhouses and other business for their Palestinian foes to walk into for free.

This was a move toward establishing what, as predicted, proved to be a false land-for peace-deal with the Palestinians. The Gaza Strip is now a terrorist enclave from which Hamas, over the subsequent years, has launched thousands of projectiles into Israel’s southern communities and only last month reigned down 1,506 rockets in one week’s time upon the Jewish state including in major population areas such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

The Palestinians now—with their new UN trumped-up, illegal statehood badge—have their appetites set on gobbling up far more prosperous Jewish communities and displacing hundreds of thousands of Israelis. There is no—repeat, absolutely no—agenda in the minds of Islamists, Hamas terrorists and the Palestinian Authority for peace with Israel. To believe otherwise is to buy into a lie. Palestinian schoolbooks do not even contain maps acknowledging Israel.

The PA promotes hatred of the Jewish state from toddler age on up through textbooks and cunningly devised children’s television programs. PA and Hamas summer camps encourage and train youths to be jihadists. The Palestinians have taught an entire generation to hate and to glory in the possibility of being suicide bombers.

They have named their public squares after terrorists who have killed the most Israeli men, women and children in suicide bombing attacks. To believe this is a people prepared or even remotely interested in living side-by-side with Israel in peace is to flatly believe a lie.

And now—following last week’s UN majority vote to recognize the illegitimate Palestinian kingdom—you will behold how the European nations and even Israel’s so called ally the United States, will increasingly squeeze and bully and weary, if possible, the Jewish state for standing for its rights as a country, for building its communities, for guarding its national security or for penalizing illegal Palestinian underhanded moves to establish itself as a state. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority has refused to budge an inch from its impossible outrageous demands for peace and failed to take, at any juncture, even the first baby step towards recognizing the legitimacy of Israel.

Observe how the majority of Western leaders will pretend it will be perfectly okay for Israel to be shot through with new terrorist enclaves in and around Jerusalem, next to its international airport, along its borders while all the while lying through their teeth that they are “committed to Israel’s security.” It should perhaps be warned once again that it would not go well with the nations and individuals who persist on being a curse and a thorn in the side of God’s Beloved, Israel.

For a concise reiteration of the basic facts about Islam and Israel, click here.

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