Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Angel Sighting: Ron Phillips Shares Personal Encounters


It was a cold evening in Gadsden, Ala., and despite the wintry weather forecast, I was excited to be traveling into the mountains to preach at a gathering of churches in northern Alabama. The late Dr. Claude Rhea, who had sung for Billy Graham, was the featured musical guest, and I, at 29 years of age, would follow with the message. What a fantastic opportunity for a young preacher! My wife, Paulette, wasn’t quite as enthusiastic. She gave me an apprehensive look as I kissed her good-bye. “Be careful, honey. It is snowing,” she warned. Not known for my driving skills I was oblivious to her warning.

As I traveled the 60 miles north into the hills, I noticed the snow beginning to stick to the grass and fields. When I neared the church, snow had begun to already cover the road. However, to my delight, the church was full and the crowd was excited. Dr. Rhea gave a powerful testimony of his healing from cancer and delivered a stirring rendition of the Gaither classic “He Touched Me” as the finale to his portion for the evening. The mountain people loved it!

The atmosphere was electric when I stood up to preach. However, the Spirit wasn’t the only thing falling that night; a blanket of snow was covering the region. And because of the weather, the host pastor had asked me to be brief. As I closed the message, the congregation left quickly. I thanked Dr. Rhea for his music and bid a quick farewell to the host pastor, who was getting into his pickup truck and heading home. One man from the church asked if I needed any help getting off the mountain. With little experience driving in ice and snow, I boastfully replied, “I can handle it.” As I made my way down the narrow road, my confidence soon disappeared. Snow covered everything and visibility was difficult.

The car began to skid, and I braked—sending it into two 360s. It came to a stop perched on the edge of a steep embankment. Finally, after some time, I got the car turned in the right direction, but I realized I was in trouble. At that moment I began to pray and ask God for help. I heard His voice speak to my spirit, “Your angel is sitting beside you.”

At this point in my life I had not received the baptism of the Spirit, so the supernatural world was strange to me. I looked toward the passenger seat, and to my surprise, there was a faint glow. At first I thought it was simply a reflection from the snow, but then my spirit suddenly became alert and I realized my angel was with me.

The Lord spoke to me again and said, “Command your angel to help you.” I was ignorant at that juncture of scriptural instruction on the ministry of angels: “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14).

I spoke to the angel and very timidly said, “Angel, would you go outside and help me not to skid and get safely home?” There was no audible response from the angel, but I knew I was safe to proceed. So I put the car in drive, and the tires gripped the road. With the faint glow now above the right fender, I came off that mountain without another slip or slide of any kind.

When I came to Interstate 59, the road I was descending was closed. The state trooper who had closed that mountain road asked me how I had made it. I mumbled, “The Lord helped me.” As I began to close the window he said, “You all be careful.” I looked to my right, and for an instant I saw the figure of a person sitting in the seat beside me; the trooper had seen him also. I made it safely home to my wife, who had been praying for me.

What happened on that mountain? I believe one of God’s angels came out of the eternal dimension into earthly time to rescue a frightened young preacher. This was not the first time—nor would it be the last time—I would experience such a presence.

As the years passed I have had countless reports and experiences with our Lord and His holy angels. Angel sightings have occurred in our services at Abba’s House. Angelic interventions have been manifested on many occasions. Who are these beings? Where do they live? How do they look? How do they work? What have they done in the past? What are they doing now? What part will they play at the end of the age? How can you activate angelic assistance in your life?

Angels are a part of the wonder, mystery and majesty of the Christian experience. Across the centuries, fascination about angels has led some into the heresy of angel worship. Though angels are real and are to be celebrated, they are never to be venerated. The only One who has the right to be worshipped is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the King over the angels. Is He the King of your heart? Will you believe the testimony of the ages? Will you come and bow before His throne of grace? Will you lay hold of the timeless one today? Oh, that we would learn to truly worship Him and come into His presence to give Him all our honor and love!

Adapted from Our Invisible Allies by Ron Phillips, copyright 2009, published by Charisma House. Beyond our normal range of understanding there lies another dimension more real and lasting than anything you can imagine. Angels are a key connection to that realm. This book brings you a definitive guide to angels, describing where they originated, how they operate, and how you can engage their help in your own life. To order a copy click on this link:




This week as we enter the Christmas season thank God for His heavenly messengers but remember to exalt Christ as the reason for the season. Take time from your busy schedule to praise, worship and pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Ask Him to direct your steps and give you opportunities to be a blessing and witness of His saving power and grace. Continue to pray for our newly elected officials, pastors, leaders, military and their families. Pray for the protection of Israel and those who travel there during this season. Continue to pray for worldwide revival. 2 Chron. 7:14; Luke 15:10; 1 Tim. 2:1-4

To enrich your prayer life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate Scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt: Prayers that Rout DemonsPrayers that Bring HealingPrayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break Curses. To order any or all of these click here. 

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