Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Pentecostal Change Our Nation Needs

America is in a mess, with problems that go beyond the economy. But Pentecostals could be the difference.

When the Holy Spirit was outpoured at the beginning of the last century, the burning debate among Christians was over prohibition. Preachers spoke out against drinking, gambling and other vices. But no more. What was once a strongly Christian nation has slidden to the point where it’s as if “anything goes.”

Historically Pentecostals have been more interested in piety and the anointing of the Holy Spirit than being activists in the culture. During World War I most Pentecostals were pacifists. Any Christians involved in politics were from the mainline or evangelical churches, and they often didn’t even seek Pentecostal support because of anti-Pentecostal bias of the era.

How that has changed! As the culture has become more hostile and most of the church has become more lukewarm, Christian warriors in the culture wars now embrace Pentecostals and charismatics with open arms. The reason: By and large, we are a fervent group willing to stand up for what we believe, even if it’s unpopular. We are used to being marginalized, as all people of faith seem to be now.

Is there compromise in Pentecostal/charismatic circles? Sadly, too often the answer is yes. But at least moral compromise is still considered backsliding by Pentecostals.

So at a time when we need people in America who believe there is a right and wrong, it’s time for Pentecostals and charismatics to stand up and get involved because we actually believe the values outlined in the Word of God. Pentecostals and charismatics must run for office or prepare themselves for positions of leadership in business and the culture.

A war is waging in the current culture, and the other side believes “anything goes.” The only thing holding back every form of sin from becoming culturally accepted are those who still believe in biblical values. Many of these values have been made a part of our legal system since the days of our Founding Fathers. But as we’ve seen with changing opinions on drinking, gambling, easy divorce, abortion-on-demand and now so-called same-sex marriage, the laws are being changed as the culture slides toward decadence.

We must act before it’s too late. Those of us who believe that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers must also war in the spiritual realm on our knees!

Christians in past generations who battled slavery, who prayed for the Iron Curtain to fall and who have stood in the gap for Israel provide examples to us. Now we must do the same for America. We must pray that the spiritual forces at work to destroy our nation will be overcome and that righteousness will prevail. Remember, the Bible says to pray for good government so we can lead quiet and peaceful lives (and by inference win the world for Jesus).

But we must put legs to our prayers. James says faith without works is dead, so we must act. We must help those who share our values, whether they are believers or not. In an earlier era that would have meant joining hands with non-Pentecostal Protestants. But today we don’t have the luxury of denominational parochialism. It’s war! 

When Hitler rose to power most Jews couldn’t believe he was as bad as he declared in Mein Kampf. After all, this was cultured Germany! Christians didn’t believe it either. As a result, millions of Jews and Christians died. Even though they told themselves in 1932 it “wasn’t that bad,” it was that bad—and worse!

So wake up. Things are bad in America. If you don’t believe so, read the Humanist Manifesto of 1933 or the homosexual manifesto published in 1987 and compare these to what’s going on now. Today many try to criminalize those who declare what God’s Word says about human sexuality by calling it “hate speech.”

But we still have time. If God’s people will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then God will hear from heaven and heal our land.

So let’s pray and then vote. Vote your values. Get others to vote their values. Let’s start a movement with the power and passion of the Holy Spirit. It’s time to stand up.

Steve Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter @sstrang or sign up to get his reports at

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