Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

“I believe Charisma continues to play a crucial role in bringing insight and unity to the body of Christ.”

—Bessie Watson Rhoades


Revival for the Long-Haul

Charisma has been a staple since my conversion in the 1970s. I so appreciate how you continually morph and rebirth the magazine. I believe Charisma continues to play a crucial role in bringing insight and unity to the body of Christ. Thanks for stretching me again with the March issue. We need the truth about revival today. It’s not just for a few wacky zealots in it for the short haul; it’s for every committed, rooted Christian serious about our mandate to heal the sick, raise the dead, preach the gospel and make disciples. 

Bessie Watson Rhoades, Cleveland

Stop the Fighting!

Marcus Yoars’ editorial, “Have We Become Armchair Revivalists?” (March) was excellent! My heart is saddened because so many fellow Christians do not participate in any move of God yet roundly criticize those who are blessed and changed by a move of God. I long for the church to be one in spirit and in truth, and for us to quit all our hateful bickering and backbiting. 

Elaine Beachy, Manassas, Va.

How Divine was Jesus?

I have enjoyed Charisma for many years. However, I’m confused and disappointed by some statements pastor Bill Johnson made in “You’ve Got The Power!” (March). He claims that Jesus “emptied Himself of His divinity. … It’s vital to note that He did all His miracles as a man, not as God.” The Philippians passage that Johnson cites never says He gave up His divinity. He did give up some of His majesty to become human, but if we take in the whole counsel of the Word, Jesus performed all His miracles as 100 percent God and 100 percent man. Christ the God-Man is a mystery, and we must handle the mystery with care. 

Melisa Morse, via email

Missing a Hunter

I noticed in your March issue you left out one very powerful healing ministry: that of Joan Hunter, whose parents were Charles and Frances Hunter, aka “the Happy Hunters.” I’ve been in Joan’s meetings where there are multiple healings and instantaneous miracles! Your issue was good but missing Joan Hunter. 

Becky Rogers, Raleigh, N.C.

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