Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
“The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked speaks what is perverse.”
—Proverbs 10:32, MEV
May 1 1 Chr. 14-15; Ps. 132; Matt. 18
May 2 1 Chr. 16; Ps. 106; Matt. 19
May 3 2 Sam. 7; 1 Chr. 17; Ps. 2; Matt. 20
May 4 2 Sam. 8-9; 1 Chr. 18; Matt. 21
May 5 2 Sam. 10; 1 Chr. 19-20; Ps. 20; Matt. 22
May 6 2 Sam. 11-12; Ps. 51; Matt. 23
May 7 2 Sam. 13-14; Matt. 24
May 8 2 Sam. 15-16; Ps. 32; Matt. 25
May 9 2 Sam. 17; Ps. 71; Matt. 26
May 10 2 Sam. 18; Ps. 56; Matt. 27
May 11 2 Sam. 19-20; Ps. 55; Matt. 28
May 12 2 Sam. 21-23; 1 Thess. 1
May 13 2 Sam. 24; 1 Chr. 21; Ps. 30; 1 Thess. 2
May 14 1 Chr. 22-24; 1 Thess. 3
May 15 1 Chr. 25-27; 1 Thess. 4
May 16 1 Kin. 1; 1 Chr. 28; Ps. 91; 1 Thess. 5
May 17 1 Kin. 2; 1 Chr. 29; Ps. 95; 2 Thess. 1
May 18 1 Kin. 3; 2 Chr. 1; Ps. 78; 2 Thess. 2
May 19 1 Kin. 4-5; 2 Chr. 2; Ps. 101; 2 Thess. 3
May 20 1 Kin. 6; 2 Chr. 3; Ps. 97; Rom. 1
May 21 1 Kin. 7; 2 Chr. 4; Ps. 98; Rom. 2
May 22 1 Kin. 8; 2 Chr 5; Ps. 99; Rom. 3
May 23 2 Chr. 6-7; Ps. 135; Rom. 4
May 24 1 Kin. 9; 2 Chr. 8; Ps. 136; Rom. 5
May 25 1 Kin. 10-11; 2 Chr. 9; Rom. 6
May 26 Prov. 1-3; Rom. 7
May 27 Prov. 4-6; Rom. 8
May 28 Prov. 7-9; Rom. 9
May 29 Prov. 10-12; Rom. 10
May 30 Prov. 13-15; Rom. 11
May 31 Prov. 16-18; Rom. 12

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