Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Canada vs. TV Host Sid Roth

I was very surprised to see the negative response by the Canadian government to Sid Roth and his ministry (Inform, August). Wow, he’s really doing it right to get that kind of reaction! Thank God for his boldness to preach the truth and demonstrate it in power to our Jewish brothers and sisters; and thank God people on his program are speaking out about Islam! We so appreciate Charisma

Sharon Thompson, Great Falls, Mont. 

Grading our PROPHETIC upgrade

Regarding “It’s Time to Upgrade the Prophetic” (by Francis Frangipane, August), the prophetic movement should throw away the tendency to “perform.” God calls individuals, not a movement, and nothing can take the place of solid Bible-study foundation. The Word comes first, then the gifts. Not the other way!

Andrew Igene, Dallas

Wait Just a new york minute!

“In a New York Minute …” (Inform, August) contains a quote from former Judge Roy Moore of Alabama about the passage of a bill by the New York Legislature allowing same-sex marriage. Presenting this quote with no counterpoint displays a startling bias. Heterosexuals bear the brunt of the guilt for destroying marriage in America. How can we preach about the sanctity of marriage when our own house isn’t in order? If we want to be a witness to our culture, we must live exemplary lives in our homes and marriages.

Benjamin Ferrarini, Raleigh, N.C.


The church’s ‘GAY DILEMMA’

I applaud the Charisma team for your July issue addressing the homosexual crisis we’re in (“The Church’s Gay Dilemma”). I was very pleased to find the articles not skirting the issue but telling it like it is! Thank you for your discernment concerning how important this issue really is.

Candace Long, Roswell, Ga.

We must begin to intercede for those in the homosexual lifestyle, as Abraham did for his family. I thank the Lord for someone who interceded for me while I was living the gay life. I have been delivered for 26 years by God’s grace. I pray that if you’re a practicing homosexual, please repent and invite the Lord in. I am a witness that He can deliver you. 

Harold Simms Jr., Tacoma, Wash.

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