Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

At this moment on the international stage, a drama over the security
of Israel is unfolding in New York City, the results of which could play a prophetic role in world affairs for generations to come.

The eyes of the
world are on New York as many nations gather for the Durban III conference,
where world leaders are there to address the U.N. in support of Palestinian

President Obama
acknowledged yesterday what Israel has been saying for months.  In an
interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu he said, “Peace cannot be imposed on the parties.  It is going to have to
be negotiated.”

Despite a “full
court press” on the part of the Palestinians, the proposed vote for statehood
currently is not expected to happen on Friday after all. Regardless of what
transpires this week, it is clear that our prayers are needed now
Please pray for wisdom, strength and courage to be given to our leaders as they
seek to find a solution to this international crisis.

Whether the vote
takes place or not, there could well be a huge increase in violence in Gaza and
the West Bank.  Such an uprising would likely require Israel to take
action to preserve the peace—and that action, no matter how well-intentioned,
could bring further condemnation on their shoulders. 

Riots Erupt in Judea and Samaria

As many as 10,000
Palestinians held a violent demonstration in Ramallah, with Arab youth burning
U.S. and Israeli flags, and engaging Israeli Checkpoint Personnel and throwing
bricks, rocks, bottles, and Molotov cocktails. Israel maintained the checkpoint
by the use of tear gas canisters. Hundreds of Palestinian protesters descended
on Zif Junction, near the tiny enclave of Hebron until dispersed by IDF

Another clash with a
violent Arab mob occurred north of Jerusalem, at the Qalandiya checkpoint.
Rioters ignited tires and hurled rocks and bricks at security personnel, and
threw bricks at passing motorists as well. IDF troops closed another road
through Samaria after civilians were ambushed as they traveled along the route.

Israeli security
forces are bracing for escalation, as Palestinian organizers have warned that
the riots are going to get “much, much worse” when the U.S. veto comes in
response to the Palestinian bid for statehood.

Conference Suggests Link Between ‘Arab Spring’ and P.A.

Earlier this summer,
Egypt hosted a “resistance” joint conference of the Muslim Brotherhood,
Hezbollah and Palestinian Authority terrorist groups, in which they discussed
linking the “Arab Spring” uprisings with demands of the P.A.

Under the name
The Founding Conference of the
Arab-Islamic Gathering to Support the Option of Resistance,”

delegates from 14 countries attended a two-day convention at the Egyptian
Press Syndicate, representing Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia,
Morocco, Sudan, Jordan and other nations.

Representatives also
came from the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas (spawned by the Muslim Brotherhood),
Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade—the military arm of
the Fatah movement headed by P.A. Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. A delegate from
Hezbollah spoke in the name of its supreme leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

Hamas’ international
relations spokesman, Osama Hamdan, empathically promised, “The
Israeli-Palestinian conflict will never end unless Israel ceases to exist.”

Please pray as never before!  We are literally
in a spiritual battle that can affect the world for generations to come. Click
to commit to pray with us. Let’s unite in prayer that our national
leadership will do what is right and is honorable, and not bow to international
pressure to compromise the security of Israel or international stability.

About the Author: Jonathan Bernis is president of Jewish Voice Ministries International and
has worked on the forefront of world evangelism since 1984, taking the good news
of Israel’s Messiah worldwide and to the Jewish people. He is the founding rabbi of Congregation Shema Yisrael in
Rochester, N.Y., where he served as senior Messianic rabbi from 1984
to 1993. He also founded and pastored the Messianic Center of St.
Petersburg, Russia, where he lived and ministered from 1993 to 1996. Click to view Jonathan’s latest prayer video, “God’s
Peace for Israel.”

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