Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

OpEd: Thoughts on What We Could Never Pay, What We Will Always Owe


talk about debt.

course the recent struggles in Washington sorely tempt me to opine on
the egregious spectacle we have just endured. However, our status as
a non-profit ministry (and hopefully some common sense) limits any
political comment. But one obvious fact can be safely asserted: debt
has consequences

look at our spiritual debt, our financial debt and our love debt.

we owe (and what we don’t owe) spiritually
could never have satisfied the debt and depth of our bankruptcy
before God. The just “wages” for our sin was death and severance
from God and His glory (see Rom. 3:23; 6:23). But “when we were
helpless … Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom. 5:6). This is the
liberating good news of the gospel. Our debt of sin has been paid
with Christ’s atoning blood. Jesus cried out on the cross, “It is
finished!” (Jn. 19:30). His literal statement in the original
language was, “Paid in full!” The debt of all our sins is fully,
forever canceled!

that we have been liberated, a “debt” of love consumes us. We
live for Jesus—not in payment for salvation He has already
purchased, but in gratitude for so great salvation. As the old hymn
says, “Jesus paid it all / all to Him I owe.”

we owe financially
For a number of years trusted prophetic voices have warned Christians
to get out of debt. Now as the frailty of our entire economic system
has been exposed, this warning packs fresh urgency. Whether the debt
is incurred by a government, a family or a ministry, “the borrower
is servant to the lender” (Prov. 22:7).

should know that when you give to Global Advance, you are sowing into
a ministry that is financially debt-free. For this we give glory to
God and deeply felt appreciation to our generous partners. God
enabled us to pay off the note on our office complex years early. We
are grateful that our vision is not strapped by debt.

this fragile financial climate, some tend to hoard and stop giving.
While this may seem to be a smart course in tight times, it is
actually the worst possible strategy for protecting assets. God has
woven the principle of sowing and reaping into the very fabric of the
universe. The planting of seed is categorically required to bring
life and growth. God has hardwired this planet and people so that
failure to plant seed ensures barrenness and eventual death.

whatever you do, don’t stop giving—especially to the poor and to
missions. These two Christ-honoring investments come with guarantees
that are vital for you and your loved ones in this volatile time.
Scripture affirms, “He who gives to the poor will
not lack

(Prov. 28:27, emphasis added.) And it was only to those who supported
Paul’s missionary endeavors that he promised, “My God will supply
all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”
(Phil. 4:19).

we owe the world
In finances the apostle Paul’s counsel is, “Owe no one anything”
(Rom. 13:8). Yet in the same letter he confesses a deep sense of
personal indebtedness to get the gospel to everyone, everywhere. “I
have a great sense of obligation to people in both the civilized
world and the rest of the world, to the educated and uneducated
alike. So I am eager to come to you in Rome, too, to preach the Good
News” (Ro. 1:14-15, NLT). No race distinction, no class
distinction—everyone needs the gospel; everyone needs Jesus.

missions-hearted father, Warren Shibley, said it so well, “Missions
involvement isn’t first charity or philanthropy, it’s just an
honest man paying his debt.” Why have we gone to the nations for
decades? Why will Global Advance send eight teams to five nations
this month? Because with Paul, we know that we owe our generation the

debt is insidious on many levels. One abhorrent consequence of debt
is feelings either of helplessness or entitlement. Regrettably, most
people somehow intrinsically feel the world owes them something.

there are those wonderful few who believe they owe the world
something. When these folks read Paul’s passion-driven declaration
of debt to reach everyone with the gospel, they get it. They know
what he meant. They feel what he felt. They live to give. They love
to sow seed. They expect a harvest—yes, even in times of drought.

line: Transfer your debt out of your financial portfolio and into
your heart. Your greatest debt has been paid! Now you are both free
and obligated. You owe Jesus everything.
Make a payment on your debt of love today.


Shibley is founding president of Global Advance, a ministry equipping
and resourcing some 30,000 leaders in developing nations annually. To read more of his insight, Shibley encourages you to visit his website.

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