Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

South Sudan’s Independence Could Cause Difficulties for North Sudan Christians

South Sudan
South Sudan

Southern Sudanese wave flags and cheer at the
Republic of South Sudan’s first national soccer
match on Sunday, just one day after South Sudan
declared its independence from the north.
(AP Images/Pete Muller)

As the world’s newest country, South Sudan has held the headline
spotlight since its July 9 secession from the North. Amid the excitement
and concerns over what’s to come for the new nation, however, Carl
Moeller with Open Doors believes one group has been forgotten.

Moeller explains, “We are rejoicing that there are increased freedoms
(and of course more challenges) in the South, but we have to ask the
question: What about the Christians in the North?”

Christians have already been fleeing back to the South for fear of what
is to come in the North. Open Doors reports that although many
Christians are said to have returned to the South voluntarily, some
observers have pointed out that they had departed because they could not
be assured of their safety.

“The biggest challenge that they’re facing right now is a decree from
President Bashir that he is going to strengthen Sharia law after the
secession is finalized,” cautions Moeller.

Historically, the extension of Islamic law into society has never been a
good thing for Christians. Sharia law varies in its strictness,
depending on the interpretations of Islamic law, but in the past it has
meant making Christians second-class citizens, or in some cases even
issuing their expulsion.

Concern over the possibility of such allegations surround the country’s
history with Sharia law as well. Sudan was initially governed under
Sharia rule in 1983, a decision which helped propel the nation into a
decades-long civil war.

If conditions indeed heat up for Northern believers, Moeller says they
still will likely have the freedom to leave the country. But a mass
exodus of Christians is not necessarily a good thing, says Moeller. The
church needs to be protected so Christ’s light can reign even in the
midst of difficulties.

There is a small but strong church in North Sudan that continues to
grow, and Moeller says, “This is not a historical or political analysis,
but we know the end of the story. As believers, we know that Jesus has
said He will build His church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail
against it.”

The road ahead will be difficult for believers in the North, but the
church has a history of extreme growth under fire. Pray for
Christ-followers to stand firm in the North.

“Those Christians are bracing for an onslaught of new repression, but
pray that they would be able to stand strong and continue to provide the
light of Jesus Christ into their communities.”

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