Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Christian Summer Camps Sow Seeds of Faith


Summer means camp season for many children, teens and even adults across North America.

This summer, Bible Centered Ministries will host about a dozen camps over an eight-week period in the U.S. and Canada.

CEO Marty Windle says BCM has about 35 camping programs worldwide.

“We have camps that focus on evangelism through the teaching of English.
We have camps that are focused on reaching special needs people groups.
We have camps in multiple languages. We have camps for young people,”
says Windle. “In Holland, we have an interesting camp that is designed
for people who are over 60 years of age.”

Many of their camps focus on what’s known as the 4/14 Window—a
demographic of 2 billion people identified by their age: 4 to 14 years old. Statistics show that 80 percent of Christ followers accept the gospel during this window.

Windle says camps are a perfect segue to people accepting Christ.

“When you get them at camp where you have their undivided attention not
only to help them interact with each other and God’s creation through
the nature that surrounds them, but expose them to the life-changing
message that comes through the scriptures, there’s no choice but to
change your life.”

Even if kids don’t seem to grasp the truth right away, the impact is
lasting. “It’s remarkable to me that the impact that camps have may not
be immediately apparent in the lives of people. But as we go through the
years, you begin to see that what happened at camp changes the lives of
people as they grow older,” says Windle.

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