Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Mob Beats Christian Worker in India


Prayers are needed for a badly-beaten Christian worker in India.

Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India received news late last week of a brutal attack on Anjas, a Mission India partner.

Anjas was on his way to finalize some details for a prayer event one
night when five men blocked his motorbike. When one of the men was
pushed into Anjas’ motorbike, Anjas stopped, and immediately, the five
men surrounded him. A mob of 50 quickly joined them.

The mob began to harass Anjas about his work. In the past five years,
Anjas has reached 15 villages in central India and leads Children’s
Bible Clubs. The night before the attack, he had led a prayer meeting
where 102 people were baptized.

The mob reportedly confronted Anjas and said: “Why are you converting
Hindus to Christianity? Why have you brought these programs and
ministries to our village?”

Following the verbal harassment, the crowd dragged Anjas off of his bike
and beat him until he lost consciousness. Anjas was taken to a local
hospital, where he was told he had suffered from mental shock and was badly

By the end of last week, Anjas was out of the hospital, but he was reportedly discouraged by the attack.

Pray that this disruption would not stop Anjas from spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to many villages and desperate souls. Pray that he
would be kept safe and would boldly continue his work.

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