Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Modeling Faith Through Cerebral Palsy

Modeling Faith Through Cerebral Palsy

Modeling Faith Through Cerebral Palsy
Her words slur when she speaks. She has a
hard time opening her hands, and the 23-year-old is only now starting
to dress herself without assistance. But Megan Haught is also a model
and an aspiring actress who says God is healing her of cerebral palsy,
and she is determined not to allow her illness to deter her dreams.

Haught says she’s been visiting a
chiropractor, but she attributes her ongoing healing to prayers she and
her family have made at her church and the healing rooms she has

“I’m seeing a lot of improvement and my
doctors are seeing the improvement,” Haught says. Her mother, Susan
Haught, clarified her speech as she continued. “I have always known
about God and that He could do miracles, but I’m seeing it more now and I
have more of a relationship with Him now.”

Susan recalls that from age 10, Megan
dreamed of modeling, but because of her condition Susan encouraged her
not to pursue her dream. Susan admits she wanted to shield Megan from

But Megan persisted and Susan allowed her
daughter to go to an audition. To their amazement she landed the job on
the cover of a Finger Hut catalog. Megan has been signed with a small
modeling agency and is also looking to pursue an acting career. She has
attended acting and modeling school and also dreams of competing for the
title of Miss Arizona.

When asked what Megan would tell other
young people facing life’s challenges, she says: “To keep believing in
God and keep striving for your goals no matter what obstacles you may

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