Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Violence Erupts in Nigeria After Christian President Elected


Deadly violence. That’s the scene across the northern states of Nigeria in the wake of the April 16 presidential elections. The deadly violence is impacting churches, Christian homes and businesses, and mission compounds and pastors, according to Open Doors.

What sparked the violence? The election of a Christian president. Nigerian citizens voted in Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian politician from the People’s Democratic Party. But Muslims are lashing out. The violence comes as no surprise, considering the pre-election violence.

The violence is erputing in predominantly Muslim states, including
Adamawa, Bauchi, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Sokoto, Gombe, Yobe and Katsina.
There are reports of rampaging youths taking to the streets in protest
against the President Jonathan’s victory.

Indeed, the backlash is growing worse. According to Open Doors, more than 60 churches were torched, thousands of houses belonging to Christians were destroyed, and both pastors and church workers killed. Christians in the villages were not spared. Many Christians were seen fleeing, abandoning their homes for fear of attack.

“Last year there were more martyrs in Nigeria–approximately 2,000 Christians killed in the northern part–than in any other country in the world,” says Open Doors USA President and CEO Dr. Carl Moeller. “Nigeria is such a key country in the spread of Christianity all over Africa. Please join me in prayer for the Christians there, especially for those in the north.”

Prayer Points:

1.   Pray that the unrest will calm down.
   2.   Pray for wisdom and God’s direction for the Open Doors Nigerian team.
   3.   Pray for the Christians in the 12 Sharia (strict Islamic law)-governed states of northern Nigeria to put their trust in God amidst new attacks.

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