Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What’s in a Name?

Thank you for continually producing an inspiring and anointed magazine. In addition to your magazine, however, your commitment to utilizing other forms of media such as your top-notch website and social media sites is to be commended. It is refreshing to see a Christian organization at the forefront of communication technology. Finally, the article “What’s in a Name?” (February) by publisher Steve Strang really spoke to me and should be read by every Christian business owner. Thanks again for all that you do.

Dr. George Burroughs,
Saraland, Ala.


Filming God is a Challenge

The article by C. Hope Flinchbaugh, “Filming God” (February), is a discernment challenge for Christians. I wonder if there is a mandate for believers to follow unseen angel spirits when the Bible clearly warns that Satan comes as an angel of light. Galatians 1 warns us very clearly about angels. The [former] Toronto Vineyard church [now called Catch the Fire Toronto] is “another” gospel to me. God told us to “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1). Darren Wilson is on dangerous territory, I believe. Is Satan in the church deceiving Christians?

Leonard Ostrom,
Cloquet, Minn.


We Like Hitting the Target!

The January issue of Charisma is a major winner. Almost every article was exceptional, and so critical as well. Forgiveness is essential to being a Christian, and the applications were on target. I also really appreciated the refresher on the history of the Bible. Just wish I could remember all the fascinating details. Thank you for a wonderful magazine.

Nora Jenae,
via e-mail


Dick Eastman

Thank you for giving us an update on Dick Eastman and his wife, Dee (January online). Years ago I went to a conference in Los Angeles where Dick was the speaker. He gave all of us a prayer map. Oh, how it blessed me to know that I could pray for the whole world instead of only my little corner of the world. Thank you, Dick Eastman! I pray for your ministry.

Daisy Collins,
Linn Creek, Mont.

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