Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Ethiopian Muslims Burning Down Christian Churches

Despite its status as a majority Christian nation, the danger is rising in Ethiopia.

Earlier this week, Charisma News reported that a Muslim mob attacked Christian missionaries in the Oma village. And last month Ethiopian Muslims sent a clear message to believers in Besheno: “Convert, leave the city or face death.”

Now, church buildings and evangelists are being targeted for attack. Indeed, thousands of Muslims have razed five churches and the homes of two evangelists in Asendabo, Ethiopia in recent days. International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that Muslim attackers continued to burn down churches even after federal police were brought in.

“We urge Ethiopian government forces to send reinforcement to protect the Christians in the city of Asendabo from the Muslim attacks,” says Jonathan Racho, ICC’s regional manager for Africa. “We ask Christians around the world to prevent any further attacks by calling the Ethiopian officials in their countries and asking them to protect the Christians and their property.”

Here’s some additional details on the story: ICC reports that the attacks started on Wednesday after the Muslims launched false accusations that Christians were desecrating the Koran. The situation escalated as 10,000 Muslims shouted “Allah Akbar” (Allah is great) while they burned down five evangelical churches. The government sent the federal police force to protect the Christians after the Muslims burned down the first three churches. But that didn’t stop the attacks. Muslims overwhelmed the police force and burned down two more churches today. ??

ICC reports that Christian leaders in Asendabo are fearful that Muslims will start killing Christians unless the government sends more security forces to contain the Muslim attackers. Government officials detained some Christians and took them to the nearby Jimma town stating that they need to do that for their own security.

Charisma News will report back on this developing story as additional details become available.

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