Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Choosing Radical Forgiveness

I loved the January edition of Charisma magazine. I am a victim of severe sexual abuse that occurred in my childhood over a period of years. The pain was so deep that I completely suppressed it, even denied it. Even after years of Christian ministry and church planting, I had not dealt with it until the Lord began to put His finger on it. The first thing He showed me and walked me through was forgiving my abusers with all of my heart. Today I am a totally free man with a healed heart, and I have been able to lead many people into forgiving others. Thank you for bringing such great spiritual truths to your readers.

Reinhard Hirtler,
Wilkesboro, N.C.


Thank you for the excellent articles in the January 2011 issue of Charisma focusing on forgiveness and the need to be in the Word. We need to make personal connection with our Father and to engage in fellowship with Him. The need for teaching on forgiveness is great in the body of Christ. I also appreciated your candor in your article “Building Houses of Belief” (by Marcus Yoars). We truly need to grow in faith and firm reliance on God’s Word and promises, applying and standing on the truth so we will not be tossed about with opinions or judgments of others or by the storms of life. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s truth to us as we read so we will have understanding. 

M. Elaine Beachy,
via e-mail


The entire December issue was exceptionally powerful. I dog-eared article after article for others to read and cut out some to mail. I also passed on some articles via your website to others in ministry around the world. It so impressed me that you highlighted various proven ministries and mission outreaches and committed to conveying 100 percent of all contributions to any of them. God bless you for being a Spirit-filled lightning rod between God and His people, infecting us all with His own passionate end-time dreams for this world.

Chris Jorgensen,
Fort Myers, Fla.

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