Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Born-Again Ex-Porn Star Debates at Cambridge University


Chalk one up for the Kingdom of Light. Former Porn Star Shelley Lubben is creating waves in the pornography industry with her new book “The Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn.”

Now, Cambridge University has invited the born-again Lubben to debate pornography on its United Kingdom campus. Lubben starred in about 30 adult movies between 1993-94. During that time, she caught herpes and HPV before quietly leaving and entering recovery.

That’s where Lubben found Jesus Christ—and she’s not being quiet about harmful impacts of the porn industry anymore. Lubben now serves as executive director of the Pink Cross Foundation, working to save men and women that are trapped in porn.

“Porn is not glamorous,” Lubben argues. “It destroys lives and is an industry of human trafficking and rampant sexually transmitted diseases that is destroying our nations and families of the world.”

In an X-rated debate at Cambridge University’s historic Bridge Street debating hall, Lubben will face off against stripper and porn actor Johnny Anglais and Anna Arrowsmith, the UK’s first female adult movie actor who once ran as a Liberal Democrat MP candidate. The topic of the debate, which both Anglais and Arrowsmith support, is: “This house believes that pornography does a good public service.” Lubben will take the contrarian view in the name of Jesus.

Do you support Lubben for speaking out on the topic? Or should she avoid such public debates?

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