Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

More Mysterious Bird and Fish Deaths

The strange animal deaths continue.

According to the AP, California wildlife officials are trying to figure out what caused the death of more than 100 birds found clustered together off Highway 101.

Meanwhile, The Daily Mail is reporting up to 300 dead birds found on the side of an Alabama highway. And Grackles have been found dead by the hundreds in Louisiana and Kentucky. Finally, the Chicago Sun-Times is reporting a bizarre scene on a Chicago Lakefront, where Canadian geese and mallard ducks are eating dead or dying gizzard shad.

Are these animal deaths really all that unusual? Or is the media just picking up on every incident now in a quest to drive ratings? Are they prophetic or just coincidental?

Read our earlier story “Are Mysterious Bird and Fish Deaths Prophetic?” for more answers. Then let me know what you think.

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