Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A Prophetic Look at the Tucson Tragedy

rob winters

rob winters
The Jan. 8 assassination attempt of Arizona
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, along with the killing of six others,
including a federal judge, his staffer and a 9-year-old girl, has left
Arizonans saddened and shocked. Many ministers and intercessors throughout
Arizona have expressed their grief and frustration regarding this unanticipated
tragedy, in that it seemingly occurred without divine warning. Nevertheless,
the setting and circumstances of this tragedy are covered with Satan’s
fingerprints—revealing his diabolical intentions toward not only the victims,
but also the state of Arizona.

shooting occurred at a Safeway
grocery store on 7110 N. Oracle Road in Tucson. The word safeway
implies a secure passage or refuge, mirroring Arizona’s divine redemptive
purpose to become a “state of refuge” for thousands across the U.S. (see Mal.
4:2). The word oracle, which represents prophets and prophetic ministry,
reflects another aspect of Arizona’s prophetic destiny—becoming a state of
prophetic vision for and declaration to our nation. Moreover, the demonic,
premeditated scheme of the assassin is uncovered in the street address of the
murder scene: “7110.”

71:10: “For my enemies speak
against me
; and those who lie in wait for my life take counsel
together” (emphasis added).

time of the shooting reported by the Arizona Republic, 10:10 a.m., encapsulates Satan’s
plan to steal, kill and destroy the lives of these innocent victims and the
divine destiny of Arizona. Nevertheless, the following passage of scripture
reminds us of a prophetic promise that the abundant life and glory of the Lord
will soon arise and shine over Arizona as a light to this nation:

10:10: “The thief does not
come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they
may have life
, and that they may have it more abundantly” (emphasis

years Satan has been raging against Arizona, thwarting and mocking our
redemptive purpose as a state of refuge, revival, and prophetic vision for the
United States of America. In Arizona’s early days, thousands suffering from a
myriad of health issues would migrate here for physical restoration. In recent
years, thousands more from California have relocated here for economic
restoration and to find refuge from the threat of earthquakes.

most recently, illegal immigration, drug and sex trafficking, kidnapping, and
murder have characterized Arizona in the eyes of most of Americans. Indeed, the
devil has used the media to negatively portray Arizona as a “state of refuse”
instead of the “state of refuge” it is called to be. Nevertheless, soon
thousands more in search of a spiritual safeway, or refuge, will invade Arizona, as revival glory
begins to rise over our state.

the past century, numerous prophets and prophetic ministries have been
conceived in Arizona, but either fell into moral or doctrinal sin, died
prematurely, or relocated to another state to fulfill their purpose. Those days
are over. Indeed, prophets will no longer stand alone in Arizona but will be
betrothed to a mighty band of intercessors engaged in continual spiritual
warfare over the destiny of America. 

the Lord has called Arizona to not only be an oracle to this nation, but also to “take the point” in prayer
for our nation. Answering Arizona’s call to prayer, a 24/7 prayer movement has
emerged over the past three years, lighting the fire of intercession throughout
our state. Indeed, the marriage and cooperative ministry of Arizona’s prophets
and priestly intercessors will one day serve as a model for strategic-level
spiritual warfare for America and the nations.

 Kay and I encourage all Arizonans to continue
praying for the families and friends of those slain in this tragedy in Tucson,
as well as for the miraculous recovery of Congresswoman Giffords and the others
critically injured in the shooting. However, let us neither cower in fear nor
hang our heads in shame over this tragedy—for this is indeed the enemy’s
intent. Instead, let this tragedy embolden and inspire Arizonans to arise,
unite, and courageously pursue the fulfillment of our divine destiny as a state
of refuge, revival and prophetic vision for America.

About the author: Rob Winters is president and co-founder of
Prepare the Way International, an itinerant prophetic ministry based in
Phoenix. Prepare the Way’s mission is to ignite a spiritual
revolution and reformation in America through preaching repentance,
prophesying restoration and promoting revival. Material in today’s Prophetic Insight was adapted from Prepare the
Way’s prophetic bulletin, The Messenger. The
newsletter is available on the ministry’s website,

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