Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Homeless Man with God-Given Radio Voice Lands Job

Have you heard about the homeless man with the golden voice who just landed a job at with the Cleveland Cavaliers? It’s a story of God’s grace and redemption—and it’s getting the nation’s attention.

If you haven’t seen the video, you can watch it here.

Ted Williams was living on the streets of Columbus holding a sign that says “God-given gift of voice.” Doral Chenoweth, a Columbus Dispatch reporter, got curious and decided to give him a dollar just to hear the recovering drug addict speak. Williams was formerly a radio announcer, but fell on hard times. He just wanted a decent job and a place to live. God gave him much more.

After Chenoweth’s video went viral, Williams landed a spot on a local morning show and job offers started rolling in. He is now highly sought after not only by the NBA, but also NFL Films.

“It’s that voice,” said Kevin McLoughlin, director of post-production films for the NFL told The Associated Press. “When I heard him tell his story, I said, ‘That’s what we do. This guy can tell a story.’ Somehow, some way, I need to get a demo with him.”

The 53-year-old Williams’ response? “God has been so good to me. It’s like winning the mega ball lottery or something.”

Does this story inspire you? Has God moved in miraculous ways in your life? I’d love to hear about it.

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