Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Stand Firm Through the Power of Your Words


I have felt
so strongly that we are in a season when God wants to bless us beyond our
wildest imagination. I have no idea what that really means. I just sense that
He is “on the way” to right some wrong or difficult situations, resolve
conflicts, break us out of very narrow places, heal all kinds of things from
physical to emotional to whatever, solve financial conundrums, etc.

that awareness has also been the sense that I must carefully watch what I say
and guard my expectations.

of us are in situations that speak something very contrary to blessing. They
evoke feelings like worry, anxiety, despair, hopelessness, confusion,
depression, oppression, even outright anger. I don’t know what you are
experiencing but I am aware of my own situations. It is very easy to let the
wave of feelings overtake emotions and then suddenly, out my mouth pops a
perfectly wrong string of pronouncements. Those words set the stage for the
enemy of our soul to overtake us.

in the midst of these tough situations I have found a strange sense of hope,
expectation arising in spite of the impossibility of circumstances. I have
heard that still small voice say, “Guard your words and carefully craft your
future.” I expect God to come through and rearrange some situations. I don’t
know how, I just believe He is going to do it. When? I’m not sure about the
timetable; I just know He is coming. He is looking to me simply to believe.

to all of you I say, I BELIEVE!

of God’s incredible love for me, it forms a threefold cord that binds me to the
plans of God for me. Faith, hope and charity or love. I know God loves me.
Therefore I have faith in Him and that faith forms the substance of things
hoped for, those things I have been expecting God to come through on. That
faith also is my evidence for things that are coming but not yet seen (see Heb 11:1).

the midst of thinking all these things for at least the last couple months, my
assistant, Natasha, sent me an e-mail. This word so witnessed with me that I am
including it so all of you can be encouraged by it.

word was given on Dec. 2, 2010.

Will now Be Sent to Guard Your Mouth!

A Prophecy from Chuck Pierce, Barbara
Wentroble and Keith Pierce

have blessings that like the sea can cover you. Because these blessings can
cover you, enter in! For if you will seat yourself with Me and have a cup of
tea and talk with Me, then you will taste and you will see. Taste and see for
the blessings greater than the sea can overtake you.”

are entering a season where you need to watch your mouth and project your
voice. I will watch the way you use your mouth this season. I will watch
how you celebrate. I am sending angels to guard your mouth to assist you
in what to say and proclaim! I will watch how you look for your provision.
Will you look for provision by faith? Will you look for provision out of a
heart of worship? Or will you strive to get what you need? I will watch how you
speak for your provision to come. I am changing the administration of your
provision. So this week be not distraught, but this week speak and watch the
honey and the water come forth.”

AM saying: Speak! I am not saying: Strike. Beware, beware to speak and not
strike! In your striking there will be a drying. But in your speaking there
will be a watering. Arise and put your hand over your mouth and let Me say, ‘I
am One who will speak clearly to see what needs to be broken; come forth in My

not angry, but rejoice, for your emotions must be displayed properly. Allow
your emotions to rise up in the midst of your circumstances and speak to the
rock and tell that mountain you’re coming through.”

raising up a Caleb generation in this hour. Even Caleb was one who said, ‘Give me my mountain!’ He spoke and
commanded the mountain to come into his possession. I am raising a Caleb
generation who will speak, who will take that which God said they could
have—even a generation that murmured and complained and never came into the
fulfillment of the promise of the Lord in the last season, and say, ‘Now!’ In
this hour I raise up a Caleb generation, a people who will possess that which I
say they can have. Even as Caleb, speak and declare that you have your
mountain, your possession. This generation must arise and must speak the
provision of the Lord.”

is me speaking again, Barbara Yoder. Remember that we have entered Hanukah, the
Festival of Lights, a season of unusual light, revelation, miracles and love.
Expect largely, even in your darkest night. There is not one type of darkness
that can extinguish God’s light.

About the author: Barbara J. Yoder is the founder and senior pastor of Shekinah Christian Church ( in Ann Arbor, Mich., and is known for her apostolic and prophetic breakthrough ministry. She travels nationally and internationally ministering in churches, conferences and seminars. She is the author of several books, including Taking on Goliath. To order a copy of the book, click here. Visit her blog page at

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