Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


I‘ve been reading Charisma magazine for quite some time now, and I have to say that this month’s issue really woke me up (“A Voice for Immigrants” by Anahid Schweikert, October). As a Hispanic American I have tucked away the issue of immigration reform in the back of my mind. After hearing your conference call with the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez and reading the cover story, I was enlightened. Thank you for featuring Rodriguez—he has a powerful message that is centered on Christian values. It’s nice to see an integral figure representing the Hispanic Christian community.

Matthew Barragan, via e-mail


Thank you for featuring the most prominent Latino Christian leader in Charisma magazine. I read the article “A Voice for Immigrants” and I found myself identifying greatly with the message of Samuel Rodriguez. I’ve been an avid reader of Charisma for some time and have always been inspired by the articles and stories you featured. This month’s issue has been especially encouraging for me as a Latino, and I am overjoyed to see how we can come together as brethren in Christ across color lines and highlight those who are doing great things for the kingdom of God. 

Carlos Cabrera, via e-mail 


Thank you for choosing the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez on the subject of immigration reform. You guys definitely chose the right man for the job. I have been following him for years now and I dare to say he is the Martin Luther King Jr. of the Hispanic Christian community. Thanks again, and I hope you will feature Rodriguez again.

Jay Robertson, via e-mail 


I want to commend you on the latest issue. I always enjoy and am inspired by the magazine. However, this month’s issue was of particular interest and relevance, as the subject of immigration reform hits close to home. I’m glad you decided to feature the most prominent Hispanic Christian leader, the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, who has become such a great voice for the Hispanic Christian community and a great advocate for the Hispanic immigrant. He is a leader who has demonstrated integrity and humility. Keep up the good work!

Shayla Quintana, via e-mail


The issue of illegal immigration is not as complicated as people wish to make it. We need to enforce the law, end birth-right citizenship and send the illegals home. On a related note, why aren’t people on welfare taking the jobs that “Americans won’t do anymore”?

Gayle Robinson, Raleigh, N.C.



In your article “Terms of Offense” (October), the foundation isn’t Jesus Christ; it is offense. Nothing good can come from that—only more offense. I thought the author’s attitude was divisive and elitist and came across as ashamed of Christian brothers. The Lord prayed that we would be “one.” This is sad.

Carla Evans, Dunlap, Calif.



While there may be valid criticisms of “perfect health” theology, the characterization by Gordon Fee (“A Professor With Spirit” by Julian Lukins, September) that “there is not even the remotest possibility that Paul was referring to the curses of Deuteronomy 28 when he spoke of the ‘curse of the law’” in Galatians 3:13 doesn’t seem to hold water. Only a few verses earlier—in Galatians 3:10—Paul quotes directly from Deuteronomy 27:26, saying, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.” Paul obviously had the curses of Deuteronomy, and especially this section of Deuteronomy, in mind when he wrote this section of Galatians. If Fee wants to argue that there is no “remote possibility” of a linkage, the onus is on him to prove it, and not to write so dismissively.

John Backes, Dallas 

Gordon Fee is right on with his statements on 3 John 2, John 10:10 and Galatians 3:13. The pastors who mostly ridicule biblical scholarship are from a seminary or university education. The result? Charismatics will probably be the first group to fall for the Antichrist, the Beast and the False Prophet. [The Antichrist] no doubt will be invited to speak at many charismatic churches since he will be well-dressed, popular and a Christian TV personality, and will travel by jet.

Paul Fertner, via e-mail 



There is just too much criticism about speaking in other tongues (“Evidence of the Gift” by Bill Hamon, August). Perhaps some don’t understand that there are two types of tongues spoken of in the Bible. One is the gift of tongues that requires an interpretation, or is a direct contact with God the Father. The other is the initial physical evidence of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Not everyone operates in the gift of tongues, though that too is available to all who need it. But everyone who receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit will evidence that by speaking in tongues. Does that mean some have more of the Spirit than others? Not necessarily. Some just want everything God has to offer, and they are willing to receive that Spirit baptism just happens. What a loving Father, who would allow Jesus to baptize (or soak us) with His Spirit. 

Nancy B. Lee, Lakeland, Fla.


Christian warfare weapons are not carnal, but spiritual, like tongues. The devil and his minions are still out there, so why should the things of the Spirit disappear? The Bible clearly states what tongues are for. God has used this gift in my life to communicate to me and strengthen me, for protection, for praising Him, for help in a situation and for spiritual intercession during prayer.

Wayne B., via e-mail 


Once you know the other side of church history, you will understand why a Jewish congregation in Israel would be reluctant to call themselves “Christian” (“Terms of Offense” by Eitan Shishkoff, October). Did you know that Martin Luther advocated burning synagogues and hunting down Jews? Most Christians don’t know that, but Jews do. There is a saying that the only church history Jews know about is in the pages the church has torn out of the history books.  

Peter Thalhofer, via e-mail 

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