Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Unlocking the Gift of Tongues

Find out a

things speaking in tongues empowers a believer to do.

Our spirit language enables us to have spirit-to-Spirit communication with God. Speaking in tongues helps
us fulfill the Scriptures that instruct us to be filled with the
Spirit, led of the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, live in the Spirit, and
worship the Father in Spirit and in truth.

Our spirit language builds up our spirit man. Praying in tongues charges our spirits like a battery charger powers a battery. Jude 1:20 declares that we build ourselves up in the faith by praying in the Spirit. The apostle Paul also declared in Romans 5:5 that the love of God is poured into our hearts by praying in our spirit language.

Our spirit language is a catalyst that produces all the manifestations of the Spirit of God. Speaking
in tongues empowers us to become more Christ-like, produce the fruit of
the Spirit and manifest the supernatural gifts of God (see Gal. 5:22; 1 Cor. 12:7-11). First Corinthians 14:4 says, “He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself.” Edify means “to build up, enable, empower and charge.”

gift of the Holy Spirit places a power-producing plant within us that
generates the power of God like the Hoover Dam pumps electricity. The
dam’s water gate is like our mouths, while the turbine inside the gate
is like our tongues. The dynamo in the heart of the dam is like the Holy
Spirit within our spirits. 

fast twirling of the turbine’s blades is what causes the rotation of
the great dynamo in the heart of the dam. The dynamo is what generates
the power, but it’s the turning of the turbine that starts and keeps the
dynamo going.

This is what
happens when we are filled with the Spirit, open the water gate of our
mouths and allow those rivers of living water to flow. As the turbine of
our tongues begins to churn out the language of the Spirit, it starts a
dynamo activity in our spirits that generates the power of God within

From this illustration we
understand more what Jesus had in mind when He said, “You shall receive
power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8,
NKJV). You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit enables you to
generate the power of God by praying in tongues. The reservoir is filled
with good evangelical water for cleansing, baptizing and fishing for
new converts, but it does not produce any power until it flows through
the water gate and turns the turbine.

spirit language is the activator of the gifts of the Spirit. In short,
speaking in tongues grows the fruit of faith, which is the procurer of
all God’s promises.

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