Sun. Oct 6th, 2024
Robert Ricciardelli

Robert Ricciardelli
Editor’s Note: In the message that follows, Robert Ricciardelli gives a prophetic explanation for the shaking that currently is occurring worldwide and clarifies what God is doing in the church during this period of widespread uncertainty. He notes that we are in a “swift season of change” and describes what our personal response should be to this season. Robert is a prophetic minister, an entrepreneur and the founder of Converging Zone Network, a social-networking site developed to spread the kingdom of God on a global level through the exchange of products, services, training and ideas.

Can a nation be born in a day? You are that nation, you are that people, you are My people. Beyond America and nationalism, and in all nations, is a people called by My name. The shaking felt around the world is My doing.

Many of you have asked: “Lord, where are You in all this? Have we not prayed? Where are You in my challenges? Where are You in my problems?”

I say, “I am in them, around them and have caused many of them.”

What is a temporal shaking will cause an eternal awakening for those who will hear My voice. Much of what has been built by man, I have not built. What I have built many have failed to see and understand.

Eyes that have not seen will see. Ears that have not heard will begin to hear My sound. My sound will resonate above the noise of confusion and beyond the bankruptcy of religion. False centers have risen up and missed My center, which is Me. What they have created and called “Me” has stood in the way of who I am and cannot contain I Am. My Kingdom ever expands, and My glory will fill every gap upon the earth.

What has been good in the past will not take you to My best for your future. The things that are good are often the enemy of best.

This is a swift season of change. It is like a mighty wind blowing. Can you see it? Can you feel it? Will you embrace it as I blow this season of change from the north, south, east and west?

As my wind blows, false centers will have to go. The walls of religion will crumble. Systems that oppose My will will be deposed by My will.

My people will be drawn to come under one banner and one name, the name above every other name. I am returning all things to Myself. Poseurs in My Kingdom will be exposed, and ambassadors of My Kingdom and of My love will rise up and be released in power. As they return to Me, My love will remain, because all else has been removed. My light in them will increase because more darkness has been dismissed.

The nation of My love and of the substance of heaven can now love Me and love one another in supernatural abundance. I in them, them in Me, and in one another. A love force will come forth that the world has not seen. My Kingdom has come, and My will is going to be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Embrace My wind, embrace My change—watch, wait and go as I lead. This nation—My people—will never be the same and cannot remain the same because of what I am doing and what I will do.

You have questioned many things. I have put those questions in you to expose the false foundations that have kept you bound. I declare, Those foundations will no longer bind you.

I have shown you what to do in the past, but fear has gripped you.

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