Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Catastrophes have a way of being so all-consuming that it
becomes difficult to remember what preceded the moment of crisis and
what things might lie ahead. The worse the situation, the more absorbing
it is, until we find that we just can’t think of anything else.

The beginning point for overcoming
tragedy is to pursue God. As we behold Him, the circumstances of life
begin to come into proper perspective. What is temporary becomes
swallowed up by the eternal.

As we enter into the true worship of God, the hurts and
fears we feel begin to slip away. Praise validates the sovereignty of
God in our souls. As we enthrone Him in our situations through praise
and recognition of His awesomeness, we will gain strength to move

The effect of praise upon our souls
provokes us to proclaim God’s greatness to others. The testimony of God
goes forth as a witness to His goodness and majestic power toward all
who trust in Him. Our voice of praise becomes a voice of proclamation,
heralding God’s majestic power, which encircles the earth.

Our greatest influence as a nation will be established in
the hearts of men and women. To the extent that we effectively declare
His glory among the peoples of the earth, we will see nations change for
the better.

God is still on His throne. When in peril we must praise
Him! When suffering the pain of loss we must praise Him!

In the book of Acts, Paul and Silas discovered the power
of praise while in horrible circumstances in prison (see Acts 16:25–26).
They had mastered a secret for success in life that carried them

Paul wrote: “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to
show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are
hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in
despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed”
(2 Cor. 4:7–9, NIV).

Sir William Temple, the esteemed 17th
century diplomat and author, declared: “Worship is the nourishment of
the mind upon God’s truth. Worship is the quickening of the conscience
by God’s holiness. Worship is the cleansing of the imagination by God’s
beauty. Worship is the response of my life to God’s plan for my life.”

Our individual futures and well-being, as
well as that of our nation, depend upon our true praise and worship of
God and His sovereignty. We must worship Him!

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