Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

(PART 1)

When we speak the word “revival” we often think of masses of people falling into ecstasy in the flow of the Spirit. But what about the kind of revival that occurs deep within the individual person? Personal revival happens inside us when we encounter the holiness of Almighty God.

Ps. 141:1-2; Ps. 142; Is. 5:1-30; Is. 6:1-7; James 2:10; John 6:47-50.
The very same God who convicts you of your sin also cleanses you and protects you from all harm and evil and destruction. Read His Word, ponder these things and thank Him for His ever-constant love for you.
Father, I thank You that I am able to see myself more clearly through Your eyes. Thank You for convicting me of any sin.Cleanse and restore me to a closer walk with You, Lord God. Let me experience your presence and love throughout my day. Amen.

(PART 2)

God is holy, and His mercies toward us run deep. When you encounter Jesus, you are changed—convicted of sin and led to receive His powerful love and healing.


Ps. 42:7; Ps. 103:11; Ps. 138:8; Ps. 145:9 Prov. 3:5-8; 2 Cor. 12:9.
Jesus is totally involved with your life and committed to your transformation. Perhaps it is time to ask Him to give you a fresh touch of His presence to cleanse, refresh and restore you.
Father, thank You for my Lord and Savior, Jesus, in whom I am made whole and healed. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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