Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

High-speed communication has provided us with the means to reach more and more people with the gospel. Yet the same technology is being used to destroy the souls of men and women who are tempted by ungodly pleasures and entertainment. We must as women of God labor to “keep [our] hearts with all diligence.”

READ: Josh. 23:6-8; Ps. 101:1-8; Ps. 119:33-40; Col. 3:1-7; 1 Pet. 1:17-19; 1 John 2:15-17.
HEART ISSUE: Mature adults have to realize that they aren’t immune from the impact of harmful messages. What we watch, read and hear shapes what we believe and how we conduct ourselves. God is requiring holiness of us. Attending to messages that go against the teachings of Christ will produce a bitter harvest in your life.
PRAY: Father, like David, we ask for forgiveness for unknowingly offending You. Thank You for protection over our eyes, ears, minds and hearts. Show us where there is danger that we wouldn’t suspect. Though the pace of living has increased, Your Word tells us there is “nothing new under the sun.” Enable us to trust You to keep us from sin and harmful influences. Help us to realize that Your power and grace are no less sufficient for us today. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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