Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Declaring War on the Enemies of Joy

Joy is a fruit of the indwelling Spirit. Why then should there be a struggle to protect it? Daily we are forced to choose how we’ll respond to circumstances that have the potential to destroy the peace God intends for us to have. Knowing those attitudes that war against the Spirit of God in us will equip us to begin to formulate an offensive strategy that will guarantee our peace and our joy.
Regardless of what we know to be right, the choice to walk after the Spirit of Truth will always be ours to make. He’ll not force us to follow Him.

READ: Num. 12:1-16; Ps. 30:11-12; Ps. 119:161-165; Luke 6:22-23; Eph. 4:31-32; Heb. 12:14-15.
HEART ISSUE: The key is to be proactive and determine ahead of time that regardless of the temptation, the cost of wrong reactions is too high. Nothing is worth losing the joy (strength) of the Lord.
PRAY: Father, we offer praise and thanksgiving to You for the overwhelming gift of Your joy. Cleanse our spirits, and help us to do our part to maintain Your joy in our lives, knowing that it is Your will for us. Teach us to walk in the Spirit, to identify the hindrances to our possessing Your perfect joy and to close any doors we might be opening to their influence. We choose to rejoice in You today. Thank You for the victory over every obstacle. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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