Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Press Toward Your Miracle

All of us have had to deal with baggage from the past–things we either willfully or innocently were a part of that we fear will disqualify us from being blessed and used of God. The infirm woman in Scripture is an illustration of perseverance. Though she had experienced incredible indignities and isolation because of her illness, she possessed an ability to overcome the odds against her. She had a proven track record as a survivor. As such, she is a model for every woman who needs to be strengthened and restored to embrace the inheritance to which she is entitled as a daughter of the living God.

READ: Num. 27:1-8; Ps. 27:1-10; Luke 13:10-17; John 4:1-26; Phil. 3:12-14; Gal. 3:26-4:7.
HEART ISSUE: Approach your Father without fear. In faith, touch Him with your deepest needs, those that are the hardest to verbalize, and believe He will accept and totally heal you.
PRAY: Father, we refuse to stand still when we know that we need only touch You to be made whole. Thank you for the courage and strength to take one more step. We ask that you remove the obstacles and enable us to keep going. We will allow no one to deter us, nor will we be denied what You desire to give to us, for any reason. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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