Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

No matter what the pressing needs may be, when by an act of our faith we open our mouths to praise God for who He is, there is set in motion an assault against the enemy. The enemy hates our praise because it is a reminder to him of all that he forfeited through his rebellion.

Praising God changes the atmosphere outwardly and inwardly. Exalting His name is an act of faith to which He readily responds. Fear and dread are uprooted and replaced with hope and an expectation of deliverance.

READ: Ps. 28:6-9; Ps. 47:1-9; Ps. 59:16-17; Ps. 98:1-9; Ps. 148:1-14; Ps. 149:1-9.
HEART ISSUE: In times of difficulty it is the sacrifice of praise that will move our hearts toward God, restoring our fellowship and releasing the flow of His anointing.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, it’s out of our mouths that You have ordered praise. Even the hosts of heaven can’t praise You as we can because they don’t have the experience of redemption.

Give us new songs in the night seasons. Thank You for the power in this marvelous vehicle that lifts us beyond the realm of earth and seats us in heavenly places with You. Amen.

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