Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Mary’s Prophetic Journey

We’re not told much in the Bible about the early days of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her life was undoubtedly quite common. However, the encounter with Gabriel changed all that.

Her life was extraordinary from the moment of the angel’s visitation until her spiritual experience in the upper room. Through her experiences of tremendous joy and immense sorrow we see a portrait of the reality of a pure faith.

Mary’s journey was prophetic in that it is also the journey that every believer takes who says yes to the divine calling. Mary was singled out for an enormous task, but upon dutifully obeying God, she became a party to the miraculous time and again. So can we.

READ: Matt. 1:18-25; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 1:26-56; Luke 2:1-52; John 19:25-27; Acts 1:12-14.
HEART ISSUE: What does Mary’s story teach you about simple acts of obedience?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, allow the truth of Your dealings in the life of Mary to compel us to a higher obedience. Help us to see ourselves in her story and to say yes to the tasks you’ve assigned to us. May glory be given to Your name as we yield our lives to Your service. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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